APP Aqua dust cloth , used before spraying the water-based color mass.
Excellent especially for fading, leaves no streaks. The difference between APP and other dust cloths is that the cloth is not sticky.
Customer ratings for APP Aqua Duster
Number of ratings: 3
Average rating: 4.7
Hyvä rätti from Marko Kupila on 20/07/2022
Peruspölyliina. Kerää pölyä ihan ok. Kuiva malli, ei tahkeutta.
Ei ole niin tahmanen, elikkä tosi hyvä from Anonymous on 05/07/2022
Pölyt lähtee from Maalari on 15/05/2020
Toimii. Varsinkin autotallissa maalatessa kannattaa käyttää.
All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.