Car paint package L-size Mipa 5L

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Price 206.50
Sum of individual prices 246.00 €

Customer ratings for Car paint package L-size Mipa 5L

Number of ratings: 59
Average rating: 4.3
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Todella hyvä maalipaketti
from on 30/05/2024
Helppo maali maalata. Jopa tällainen amatööri sai kelvollista jälkeä. Oli kaikki tarvittava mukana samassa paketissa.
Tuli nopeasti ja näyttää hyvältä.
from on 01/04/2024
Ei vielä maalattu. Aiempi hiomamaalipaketti toimi hyvin
Toimiva setti
from on 13/01/2024
Ajaa asiansa

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.

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This includes the following individual products

Very versatile acrylic paint. About 30% less paint is consumed than normal MS grades. Available in almost all shade numbers. Ask more.

2 litre(s)
1 l = 78.00 €
Current daily price

We offer an easy-to-use paint measuring and mixing mug that helps you achieve the exact mixing ratios for your paint or varnish. The mug's clear markings make mixing easier and ensure a successful end result.

3 piece(s)

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Mipa MS25 hardener

Normal hardener for polyurethane and acrylic topcoats.


1 piece(s)

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Mipa Acrylic Thinner - A versatile product for overpainting and varnishing. Compatible with 2K acrylic paints and 2K acrylic primers. Try it yourself and see the difference!

1 piece(s)

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Choose Troton Silicone Detergent for effective cleaning. Effectively removes silicone, wax, grease, dirt, etc. before painting.

1 piece(s)

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Nylon color filter 190 microns. Suitable for paint and varnish. Buy more at once and save significantly on the price.

3 piece(s)

APP Dust cloth for wiping surfaces before painting. With a dust cloth, you can certainly remove even the tiniest dust from painted surfaces.

3 piece(s)

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MixMax plastic paint mixing stick. The design of the stick guarantees efficient mixing of paints. The mixing stick has a length of 20 cm.

3 piece(s)

A sanding pad (bear paw or bear tongue) is for fine sanding. Sanding pad for matting surfaces to be painted.

1 piece(s)

(Loading...: 19mm)

Mipa painter's tape, high-quality tape for protection. Withstands heat, which guarantees stability even during baking.

2 piece(s)


Product Note Price
Car paint package M-size Mipa 3.5L Car paint package M-size Mipa 3.5L
168.00 €
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Color filter

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