Color code locations

The most common car brands and their color code locations . If you are unsure, you can always ask our customer service for confirmation.

VAG : Service booklet or sticker found under the trunk carpet. The code is usually a combination starting with the letter L, e.g. LY3D, LW9Z. In Skoda, the code can also be four-digit 9208

Mercedes-Benz: Type plate either in the door opening on the left side or under the hood. On the plates in the doorways, the code is usually on the left side. Under the hood, the code is usually in the middle of the shield. Mersu's code often has C or M after the letter or the number 9 at the beginning. 9744, 744c etc.

Toyota/Lexus : On the nameplate, almost always under the hood. Bottom left edge after C/TR first combination e.g. 1C3, 202.

Mazda : Service booklet or warranty booklet, color code usually in its own section color code: the general format is two numbers + a letter, e.g. 25W, 27A.

BMW: The nameplate is usually in the driver's door opening or under the hood on the driver's side dash post. BMW also announces the name of the color with which tinting is possible. The codes are usually three digits, e.g. 354/7 titansilber

Volvo: On the nameplate, usually under the hood or in the rear door opening on the left-hand side. The code is almost always in the form of three numbers, a dash, a number or two, e.g. 019-2, 452-1

Hyundai and Kia: On the nameplate in the driver's door opening below the PAINT section. The code can be either a combination of number+book or book+number A3 or 4Q. There are also letter+number+letter combinations, e.g. A3R

Honda: Type plate, usually in the driver's door opening or in the service booklet. The code almost always starts with either the NH combination or the letter B, it can also start with another letter. The codes also contain numbers after -, e.g. B92P-U or NH592-P.

FORD: Color codes are very difficult to understand, the easiest way to find your color is to search for the frame number on the ford.etis website or ask our customer service for advice. The name of the color is usually more effective than the code!

If you didn't find your car, ask customer service for advice on hunting for the color code.

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