Mipa Semi-matt CPE Varnish

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Mipa CPE Satin Lacquer - Understated elegance for paintings

Mipa CPE is a 2K semi-matte clear lacquer intended for finishing varnishing of plastic parts of cars . The varnish meets all the criteria set for clear varnishes and is also elastic. In some car shades, the varnish is pre-tinted with BC-2 layer compound. You can also use the varnish for normal varnishing if you are looking for a semi-matte (satin) surface.

  • Container size 1 liter
  • Gloss level semi-matt
  • Mix thoroughly before use!
  • Pour the varnish through the color filter!
  • 2:1 MS25 hardener (sold separately)
  • 10-15% thinning Mipa V25 acrylic thinner

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