Register statement

Register statement

Personal Data Act (523/99) Section 10

Date of preparation 1 January 2009

Updated on 29/12/2022

1. Registrar

Suomen Oy , Martinkyläntie 41, 01720, Vantaa

2. Person responsible for registry matters and/or contact person

Markku Korkiakoski

3. Register name

Suomen Automaalit Oy's online store user register

4. Purpose of personal data processing (purpose of use of the register)

Personal data stored in the user register of Suomen Oy's online store is used to manage customer relations, to handle contacts, for marketing purposes and for other purposes related to online services.

5. Data content of the register

The register collects basic information about the registered, such as:
- name
- address
- phone
- e-mail.

- Order history

6. Regular sources of information

The data controller registers the information about the user of Suomen Oy's online store that the user himself provides when using the website, by subscribing to the newsletter from the pop-up window or by accepting the data protection consent.

By accepting all points of the data protection consent, you give permission for marketing and the collection of data that we can use for e.g. targeted advertising.

7. Regular Disclosures of Information

Personal data can be disclosed or made available to third parties, such as the police, within the limits required/permitted by the applicable legislation. The registrar can disclose information, within the limits allowed by legislation, also to companies belonging to the same group, if necessary. Only necessary information can also be handed over to the company's partners, such as Accountor (invoicing) and Custobar and Google Tag Manager (marketing) for the implementation of e-commerce invoicing, marketing communications and customer service.

8. Regular data transfers and data transfer outside the EU or the European Economic Area

No regular disclosure of data to third parties. No data transfers outside the EU or EEA.

9. Register protection principles

The data of Suomen Oy's online store user register is stored in the controller's system, which is protected using the operating system's security software. Access to the system requires entering a username and password. The system is also protected by firewalls and other technical means. Only certain, predefined employees of the registrar can access and have the right to use the information contained in the register stored in the system. The information contained in the register is located in locked and guarded premises.

10. The registrant's right of prohibition

The registered person has the right to prohibit the data controller from processing information about him/her for direct advertising, remote sales and other direct marketing as well as market and opinion research as well as personal registry and genealogy. The ban must be made in writing and addressed to the person responsible for registry matters.

11. The registrant's right of inspection

The registered person has the right to check the personal information stored in the register and to receive copies of it. The inspection request must be made in writing and addressed to the person responsible for registry matters.

12. Correction of information

The controller corrects, deletes or completes personal data in the register that is incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete or outdated in terms of the purpose of the processing, on its own initiative or at the request of the data subject. The registered person must contact the person responsible for the registry affairs of the registrar in order to correct the information.

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