Troton Spray Putty - makes large puttying jobs effortless.
Troton Spray Putty is an effective solution for finishing extensive overcoating, such as bonnet or roof surface work.
Troton Spray Putty is designed to be used for finishing large putties. It is sprayed as a thin layer that finishes the base work done with traditional putty. Usually one layer is enough, but if necessary, several layers can be sprayed, as long as the layer thickness is kept small.
Please note that Ruiskukitti is not suitable for flexible parts, such as plastic covers or ski boxes. It should also not be sprayed on top of 1K products or acid primers. At its best, it is on top of 2K-kit or sheet metal surfaces.
It is important to note that the Spray Putty dries very quickly. After you have mixed the hardener with the putty, the spraying should be done immediately, after which the sprayer should be cleaned.
Product information:
Package size: 1kg
Mixing ratio: 100:4 (hardener included in the price)
Thinner: approx. 10% of acrylic thinner
Nozzle size: 2-3 mm
Injection pressure: 2-3 bar
Usage time: approx. 15 - 20 minutes
Drying time: approx. 2 hours at 20°C
Evaporation time between layers: 5 minutes (note the rapid hardening of the product)
Käyttökelpoinen kitti from Timo Kulmavuori on 01/10/2020
Sopi hyvin viimeistelykittaukseen.
Hyvin täyttä pienet hiontanaarmut from Harri Kauppinen on 29/10/2018
hyvä tuote from Anonymous on 02/07/2015
kovetteen määrän laskemisessa piti hieman varmistella ja tehdä laskutoimituksia, mutta muuten erittäin hyvä tuote. (kovete purkissa voisi olla asteikko kittiin verrattuna esim. desin kittimäärän välein) toki jos kaiken sekoitaa kerralla, niin ei ongelmaa, laittaa vain koko kovetepurkillisen.
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