Troton Master semi-glossy black spray every place basic planer!
With the product, you can paint metal, wood, aluminum, glass and plastic surfaces as long as they are properly primed. The paint does not fade, is resistant to UV radiation, some fuels, chemicals and weather conditions. You get the best final results when painting at +20 degrees, so that the temperatures of the paint and the object to be painted are approximately the same.
Size 500ml
Coverage 1.5-2 m2
Layers 1-2 depending on the need
Drying time at +20 degrees: dust dry approx. 5-10 min, touch dry approx. 10-20 min, fully dry approx. 2 hours
Heat resistance: 110C
Customer ratings for Troton Spray Semi-gloss black
Number of ratings: 2
Average rating: 3.5
Laatumaali from Mikko on 08/06/2022
Helppomaalata, hyvä pinta, kestää bensaa.
Räkii turhan helposti from Anonymous on 05/09/2020
+ Kuivuu nopeasti. + Ei valu kovin helposti. + Hyvä peittävyys. + Tarttuu hyvin. - Viuhka ok. - Räkii. Alkuun tulee tasainen viuhka, mutta jossain välissä alkaa "räkimään". Vaikka pullot ravistettu ihan kunnolla. Näin ollen pinnat meni pilalle ja joutui hiomaan uudelleen.
Itse ostan jatkossa vähän kalliimpia maaleja, jotka pystyy maalaan koko pullon ilman räkimistä.
All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.