Mipa WBC-Verdünnung thinner

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Customer ratings for Mipa WBC-Verdünnung thinner

Number of ratings: 32
Average rating: 4.4
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from on 25/05/2023
Kun haluaa ruisku helposti puhtaaksi värimassan jälkeen tämä auttaa.
from on 24/05/2021
Ihan hyvin ohentaa maalia sille tarkoitetulle maalille.
niin kuin ohenne yleensä
from on 12/02/2017

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.

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Product Note Price
Mipa WBC metallic pearl paste Mipa WBC metallic pearl paste
97.20 € / l
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