Car paints

Painting a car is not rocket science! There are two basic options for car painting: acrylic paint and metallic/pearl paint. Acrylic paint is a straight gloss paint that requires hardener and thinner. You don't need varnish, because the acrylic paint is already shiny. Metallic / mother-of-pearl , on the other hand, can be identified by crystals or mirror colors on the paint surface. Varnish should always be added to this paint, which gives the paint surface durability and shine. Just choose the paint package that suits you and you can start painting!

Read more: Different types of car paints and their comparison >>

Acrylic paints

Acrylic paint, also known as straight gloss paint, is a type of paint that does not require varnish over it.

Metallic colors

Color paste is paint that usually contains metallic or pearlescent colors. Varnish is always sprayed over these colors.

Clear varnishes

Do you want to give your painting the final touch? Varnish is the solution!

Special paints

Do you want to stand out from the crowd and turn heads with your car? We have a wide selection of special paints and glazes, which you can use to make your car shine in a unique way.

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