A successful painting job requires thorough preparation, as the adhesion and durability of the paint depend on how well the surface is prepared. Our selection includes everything you need, from sanding papers and cleaning agents to hardeners and thinners, ensuring a smooth and flawless finish.
Why is preparation important?
Essential products for painting preparation
Tip! Proper preparation saves time and reduces the need for corrections. Use the right preparation products to ensure a long-lasting and flawless paint finish.
Explore our products and make sure your painting project is a success from start to finish!
A perfect paint finish starts with thorough sanding. Our selection includes high-quality sanding papers, sanding pads, and sanding machines to ensure a smooth and flawless base for painting. Choose the right grit and achieve the best result!
Before painting, the surface must be completely clean. Here you will find effective degreasers, silicone removers, detergents, and other cleaning products to ensure proper paint adhesion and a flawless finish.
The right hardener and thinner ensure that your paint dries evenly and lasts long. Our selection includes paint hardeners, thinners, and accelerators to guarantee a perfect finish on all painted surfaces.