Troton Master 1:1 epoxy primer 0.5L + hardener 0.5L

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can be shipped within 2-4 days

Price 28.80
Sum of individual prices 31.00 €

Customer ratings for Troton Master 1:1 epoxy primer 0.5L + hardener 0.5L

Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 4
Helppo maalattava
from on 09/05/2023
Helppokäyttöinen pohjamaali monelle pintavärille

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.

This includes the following individual products

Troton Epoksiprimer is intended for use in wet-on-wet paintings.

0.5 litre(s)
1 l = 31.00 €

Troton Epoksiprimer hardener is intended for use in wet-on-wet painting.

0.5 litre(s)
1 l = 31.00 €

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