Experience the incredible nuance of Candy colors. This will make you stand out - that's for sure!
All candies are compatiblewith most solvent-based basecoat/topcoat systems. Choose the system that best suits your purposes. All candyconcentrates are mixed with 8:1 binder or 1-k varnish. After which the mixture is thinned, follow the manufacturer's instructions for mixing ratios.
Make sure that the base color has evaporated properly and the coverage is sufficient. Make sure that all the ground work looks good and the ground color is even. The mistakes and shortcomings of the groundwork are highlighted a lot in the candy painting.
Mix with the binder in a ratio of 8:1, thin according to the instructions for the binder
Automaalit.net recommends Mipa 000 Colorless + Bc-Thinner. The dilution ratio is then 2:1
Mix the product really well before pouring it out of the jar.
4-6 layers, the tone darkens according to the number of layers.
Paint parts one at a time to get the same degree of darkness.
Toimii niinko pitääki!! from Juha Pajunen on 10/12/2020
Loistava from Pasi on 15/07/2019
Riittoisa ja efekti on just se mitä hainkin. Moottoripyörän osat antavat pimeässä sellaisen väri-rikkaab loisteen että muut kaverit kateellisia
Hieno tuote/ohjeissa parannuksen varaa from Anonymous on 07/04/2015
Ainoa mistä negaa voi antaa on ettei ole selvästi kerrottu kuinka paljon valmista väriä pullolla saadaan aikaiseksi. Tein omani 2k lakkaan ja tuo 237ml ei riitä alkuunkaan. tarpeeni oli 2500ml + kovetin 830ml joten olisin tarvinnut tuotetta 416ml. Aloittelijana en hoksannut tätä laskukaavaa tietenkään joten harjoitteluksi meni eka veto.
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