Note! As of February 2, 2022, Mipa WBC Metallic/pearl color and Mipa Metallic color packages are already thinned, so you no longer need a separate thinner for these.
The thinner for Mipa WBC water-based metal and mother-of-pearl masses.
10-20% of thinner is added to the mass to achieve the right spray viscosity.Mipa WBC Mass must not be diluted by more than 20%
Kun haluaa ruisku helposti puhtaaksi värimassan jälkeen tämä auttaa.
Automaaliohennin from Matti on 24/05/2021
Ihan hyvin ohentaa maalia sille tarkoitetulle maalille.
niin kuin ohenne yleensä from Anonymous on 12/02/2017
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