The product includes 3.75 liters of filler + 0.95 liters of hardener. The product is a renewed version of Troton Filler and Troton Sanding primer package (5:1). V2007 filler has new raw materials that work excellently with modern car paints. One of the biggest advantages of V2007 Filler is the surface that gives excellent adhesion to water-based inks, such as Mipa WBC ink.
Product information Troton V2007 Filler
Mixing ratio 4:1
Thinning 5 - 10%
Spraying viscosity: approx. 30 - 50 sec. DIN4/20°C
Nozzle: 1.5 - 1.9mm
Dry film thickness: approx. 70 - 90 my
Spraying times: 2 - 3
Evaporation time: 5-10 min between layers, 10-15 min before heating.
Drying time: 20°C = 3 hours, 60°C = 30-40min
Temperatures below 20°C slow down drying.
Best before: paint part, 12 months from the date of packaging. Cures 9 months from the date of packaging